
Prashant Deva's blog

Talks on technology and the latest developments in Placid Systems.

New website released

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Well, the new website is finally done, just in time for Christmas!
Till now although ANTLR Studio itself was great, the website really sucked. And a lot of users were not getting to know about all the features of AS. I mean not everyone has got the time to watch the videos.

So in the new site we got this 'Feature Tour' which goes through all the major parts of the AS and shows you what all it can do. A few pages like Syntax Diagrams, Flux Debugger even have animated gifs to show off all the functionality! I hope you like it :)

The sign up section is still plain as before as i write this. I will be updating it in a few days.

Oh and in the meantime Programmation Sous Linux magazine has given ANTLR Studio the 'Recommended Project' award! You can see it on the front page (the blue logo on the right).

How do you find the new design? Any comments or suggestions are welcome :)
posted by Prashant Deva, 9:40 PM


awesome work buddy!! i am really impressed!!! you have surely done it!!!! brilliant!

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