
Prashant Deva's blog

Talks on technology and the latest developments in Placid Systems.

Antlr Studio to have the most amazing debugging experience...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Yes, i know you are tired of reading the text on the main page saying releasing soon.

But then it takes a little time to create the best parser gen ide on earth ;)

If you are impressed by what you have seen till now, well you aint seen anything yet...

Antlr Studio will have the most amazing debugging experience yet seen in any other parser gen ide, Period.

Video in couple of days or earlier...
posted by Prashant Deva, 2:50 AM | link | 2 comments |  

GDC 2005

Sunday, July 17, 2005

If you have got a little time i recommend you to watch the demo of 'Spore' by Will Wright on GDC 2005.

I have always liked Will Wright's games but this one is truly stunning.
posted by Prashant Deva, 5:56 PM | link | 0 comments |  

New Poll added

Sunday, July 10, 2005

While i race to complete Antlr Studio, I just posted a poll on the main page to vote for the next ide you want to see antlr studio integrated into. I will reproduce the poll here too.
Just to save myself some time, i used a free service to host the poll results. I can put that time to coding Antlr Studio instead ;)

Soon i will be doing a complete redesign of the site, so we will have custom polls without any kinds of ads or anything.

After Eclipse, which IDE would you like to see Antlr Studio integrated into?
Intellij Idea
Visual C++
Visual C#
Standalone version

Note : The standalone version will allow generation of code in any language, while for the rest of the options only the language that is supported by the ide will be generated, eg - C++ for Visual C++.

If you want your favorite ide added to the poll, just post a comment.

PS- For those who dont already know , anonymous postings are allowed on the blog , so you dont need to sign up :)

posted by Prashant Deva, 6:04 PM | link | 6 comments |